Download MySQL Workbench And Learn The Benefits Of Using MySQL

MySQL Workbench is a visual database tool that can be used by many database designers and developers. To download MySQL Workbench you have to visit the official website of MySQL. And get the benefits of MySQL.

MySQL is the world’s most popular cross-platform software. it is a relational database management system. MySQL helps you to execute development with MySQL Databases. In MySQL, data is stored, manipulated, and extracted in tables, to create a database that can be modified using Structured Query Language. It is used to store big data by many companies Facebook, Shopify, and Uber.

Benefits of using MySQL

MySQL always leads as the most popular database for developers in the world because it supports most of the programming languages in the world such as Java/JDBC, PHP, Python, Node.js, Perl, Ruby, C, C++, C#, and many more. More Benefits of using MySQL are given below.

  1. The setup to install MySQL is not complex. and it is easy to set big data in the MySQL database so Mysql is ‘Easy To Use’.
  2. As we all know the security of managing big data is our Priority. because of this MySQL is the first choice of many developers because MySQL always focuses on ‘Data Security’ and it is trustworthy to use.
  3. No matter how much data you store, MySQL always offers ‘High Performance and High Speed’.
  4. MySQL is the most widely use transactional database engine worldwide due to its consistency, comprehensive support for full atomicity, and many more.

If you want to manage your Data with the above-given features. then download MySQL workbench.

Download Mysql With Server and Workbench

MySQL Workbench is an all-in-one visual database tool that can be used by database designers, developers, and DBAs for working on data. This tool offers a range of features including data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, and many more.

The best part is that MySQL Workbench is available on all major operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Different MySQL Workbench Editions

MySQL offers you three types of Workbench Editions.
MySQL Workbench Community Edition — Open-Source and Freely Downloadable(GPL License)
MySQL Workbench Standard Edition — Commercial Edition
MySQL Workbench Enterprise Edition — Commercial Edition

MySQL Workbench setup(Download/Installation)

Follow the following steps carefully to download Mysql Workbench.

  1. Firstly, Go to the browser and search MySQL download
  2. Secondly, Visit to the official website of Mysql.
  3. Then, Download the MySQL workbench
  4. After, downloading the Mysql workbench select the Setup Type. There are many options available, but We are choosing a ‘Custom‘ option because we need a MySQL server and workbench.
    you can select the ‘Full‘ option if you want to enjoy all the features. After selecting the ‘Setup Type‘ tab on Next.
  5. After, next you are on a different screen. here, you need to select the ‘MySQL Server‘ section.
    .tab on (+) icon . click the right arrow symbol to select the product you want to install.
    You need to apply the same process to select the Application section, and then click ‘Next‘.
  6. After the next screen change. click on the ‘Execute’ button. it will install all requirements automatically.
  7. Again, tab the ‘Execute‘ button to download and install the MySQL Server and Workbench.
  8. choose the ‘Authentication Method‘ and tab on ‘Next‘.
  9. Then, Enter all the details they want like: username and password.
  10. Choose the ‘Windows Service‘ and tab on ‘Next‘.
  11. Then, Click the “Execute” button to apply the Server Configuration.
  12. After, completing the Configuration tab on ‘Finish‘.
  13. Choose the ‘Product Configuration’ and tab on ‘Next‘.
  14. Then, click the Finish button to complete the MySQL package installation.
  15. After, completing the process open MySQL Workbench. tab the box appointed by the red arrow.
    Then, enter the password you created before.
  16. lastly, The process of downloading Mysql Workbench is complete.

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